Author: admin (page 2 of 4)



Have kindness

Full of compassion

The condition of benevolence




Ill will

Green eyed monster

Unwilling to allow it




Union cancelled

Lives moving on

Distraught with the result


Writing Meter

After my event two weeks ago I have taken the excitement from a successful launch and started using it to figure out my next poetry book. I have decided the theme and layout and I have even decided the type of poetry. Never one to deny myself a challenge I have decided to try my hand at sonnet writing. Of course I started with research on types of sonnets because to be honest I have a strange weakness: I cannot seem to understand meter. Things like the iambic pentameter of a Shakespearean Sonnet escape me.

I can understand the theory of it: A metric line of verse with five metrical feet each consisting of one short syllable followed by one long syllable. In other words one line of ten syllables with the meter or rhythm of short-long times five.

I understand syllables very well and when it comes to music I understand rhythm or beat but when it comes to talking and writing I can’t seem to figure out how to tell if every syllable is short or long. In the line : Two households, both alike in dignity : I know that it follows iambic pentameter but only because I’ve been told it does. I don’t know how you can distinguish house as long and holds as short. My brain says they sound the same.

So I have decided I’m going to write my modern sonnets with 10 syllables and with a Shakespearean rhyming scheme but they will not be metered and now everyone knows why.



Seek explanation

Wrong to right

My word, my bond


Event Jitters

Tomorrow is the book release party for my newest book. I am voluntarily bringing myself out of my self-imposed hiding and putting a face to my online presence and I have some serious pre-party jitters. I find myself almost embarrassed to have the attention so directly focused on me and my writing but I am finding lately that I am excited for the day to come.

There will be readings of my work and a question and answer period so pretty much a couple hours of strict focus on me. For an introvert like myself this is quite unnerving. I’m thankful that there isn’t really any preparation for these two things but I’m also trying to prepare my thank you speech.

I have spent the last week trying to find my own meaningful way to say thank you to everyone who has touched my life, has allowed me to touch theirs, and who have taken the time to read the writing that I’ve put so much effort and feeling into. I am quickly throwing myself into the spot light and hoping that it will go quickly so that the next time I release a book this will come easier and the next after that etc. Wish me luck and thank you for reading this and allowing me to have a little piece of your day.



Most important

Powerful and influential

Ruling all that’s seen


Fifteen Percent

Today I had to remind myself that putting in some effort is better than putting in none just because I couldn’t give 100% effort. This week I’m tired and planning a book release, running a household, and getting a new business figured out. To top it all off I also had this blog to write, which I’ve added to my weekly schedule because I really love writing my blog, and at the beginning of the week I know I had a great idea for it and yesterday when I went to start writing the only notes I had time to give myself were: Blog Post — Quotes

WTH? So I currently have no idea with my tired brain what it means. I’m sure when I least expect it I will figure it out and you all will get an amazing post. But yesterday I threw my hands up and said screw it. I decided to write later…. but as I know later doesn’t always come and I still had no blog post at dinner tonight.

This is where that “some effort” thing comes in. I could have skipped this weeks post and it’s possible no one would have noticed… except me. Here’s what my brain would have done with that:

At least a week of constant reminding myself that I am unreliable.

So instead I remember 15% effort is better than nothing and I am taking the time to let myself and any followers know: I’ve had a wonderfully busy week and my tired brain isn’t cooperating energy wise but here’s my check in.

I hope your week was great and next week I’ll have another poem for you.



Unrequited love

Long standing burden

Downward spiraling heart break


Book Release Apprehension

I love writing. I love writing poetry, my blog, stories, everything. I enjoy planning things, writing them, and even editing them. The part of being a pblished author that makes me the most uncomfortable is promoting. Drawing attention to myself and my writing makes me very uncomfortable. I have a huge fear of rejection and the idea that people won’t like what I have written. This fear has kept me from properly launching my previous books, which in turn has kept them from reaching all the people who could enjoy them.

I am determined to release my current collection of poetry with the appropriate fan fair this time so I am stepping out of my comfort zoneĀ  and trying to overcome my fears. This morning I took the first steps and called out to my social media network for volunteer reviewers. I purposefully asked for peoples opinions of my writing and it scared the hell out of me but I still did it.

I am currently planning a launch party as I have just ordered my proof and it is proving to be more fun than scary. It is almost like planning a birthday party. Pick the place, choose a theme, will there be gifts? food?

As I plan my launch to welcome my latest creation to the world I find myself getting excited and I’m not as scared to be the center of attention. I will breifly leave my self-imposed role as faceless internet author and celebrate this new achievement.