I love writing. I love writing poetry, my blog, stories, everything. I enjoy planning things, writing them, and even editing them. The part of being a pblished author that makes me the most uncomfortable is promoting. Drawing attention to myself and my writing makes me very uncomfortable. I have a huge fear of rejection and the idea that people won’t like what I have written. This fear has kept me from properly launching my previous books, which in turn has kept them from reaching all the people who could enjoy them.

I am determined to release my current collection of poetry with the appropriate fan fair this time so I am stepping out of my comfort zoneĀ  and trying to overcome my fears. This morning I took the first steps and called out to my social media network for volunteer reviewers. I purposefully asked for peoples opinions of my writing and it scared the hell out of me but I still did it.

I am currently planning a launch party as I have just ordered my proof and it is proving to be more fun than scary. It is almost like planning a birthday party. Pick the place, choose a theme, will there be gifts? food?

As I plan my launch to welcome my latest creation to the world I find myself getting excited and I’m not as scared to be the center of attention. I will breifly leave my self-imposed role as faceless internet author and celebrate this new achievement.