It has been a long time since I posted on my blog, so long in fact that for a while I took my blog off the website. Rather than gloss over my absence I thought I’d take this opportunity to talk about the hard part of being a self published author:

There is no one to push you but you and no one to answer to but yourself!

Romanticized thoughts on this subject are what get a lot of starting authors to forego agents, manager, or publishers. Who doesn’t like the idea of being your own boss, answering to no one, and doing what you want? But what if what you need to do to successfully accomplish your goal or do your job is different than what you want to be doing?

Let’s say I set my goal to put out a new blog post every week. That on top of the other projects I have going on I would like to keep everyone updated on what I’m doing and how I’m doing it by writing about it. This sounds like an easy goal and at the beginning may feel like an easy task. After about a month I might hit a week where I don’t know what to write, what do I do? When you have someone holding you accountable that’s easy, you find something to write. When you are the only person holding you responsible you may write or you may decide “I don’t want to” or “One week off wont hurt”.

This is what I fell into with my blog and my writing. I hit an unproductive road block of choosing one more episode, and afternoon of coffee, of reading, of shopping, and putting off all that I’ve worked so hard for because I am my own boss and will get to it later. But what if later didn’t come?

To be a self published author who actually publishes good content (or any content) self discipline is required. I stopped treating my dream job like the job it is and it fell to the side and started to wilt away. Fortunately I realized that I was failing myself when it had been so long since I wrote that I stopped referring to myself as an author when asked what I do for a living. I am an author and it is time I start remembering it. It’s time to start acting like it.

I have set myself goals and deadlines. I have checklists, materials, supplies, and what I feel are damn good ideas. I am also making myself accountable to myself, my dreams, and others. I have started my blog back up and will be posting on a regular basis.

I am an author and I’d like to thank you for reading my stuff and hope you will continue to do so. I will do my best to make it good content and will not let it drop away again.