As I get things ready and try to figure out the best ways to get my two new books to the masses (or at least beyond my family) I am coming across a lot of people and organizations that are offering to help but at a cost. I understand that no organization can do everything for free but I am struck with the feeling that I would be buying my readership instead of earning it.
So the question I find myself debating recently is; is it better to struggle on my own to get readership or “pay entry”? And secondly how do I know if it’s a legitimate respected contest or a cash grab and here’s a sticker for your book?
I would love to enter a contest if even just to say I stepped out of my comfort zone and volunteered myself for scrutiny but I am fearful of falling into the over eager trap of being taken advantage of. I know that this free package of XYZ stuff to help you become a huge success but hurry now because we only have 50 but have already sold 40 so pay our super high shipping for your free item is a scam. I’m sure I get at least three of these emails a day and I can say once I almost fell for it bur as for these contests I’ve rarely come across them.
I have been tempted to enter one just to see what happens but for $100 and up that is quite the what-if. But what the hell right? So I entered one I found with Better Business Bureau accreditation. I entered the contest but the book review was free and set up to not be a forced review. The reviewer gets to select which books they want to review. This means, as I was informed, it could take months to get reviewed.
So I sat back and settled in for a long wait for my first ever book review. Much to my surprise I received my review within a week. I will admit I was more than nervous when I got the email notification and when I finally read the review I cried. I received a very open and honest review and someone other than friends and family like my writing. That gives me more drive to keep going.
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