As I embark on my journey to achieve my life long dream of being a professional writer I find the hardest part is getting over the fear of rejection. In my case the numbing crippling fear of rejection.

Going back to my teenage years I wrote almost every day. I was struggling with the onset of a mental disorder and used writing as an outlet. I would collect my poems and put them in folders to give as presents to my family. It seems they were exempt from my fear of rejection.

That was close to fifteen years ago and until the last few weeks it was the closest to published or having a readership. All because the thought of having someone not like my writing made my heart thump, breathing hard, and my brain refuses to work. Now I still have the same reaction but my desire to give my children the confidence to follow their dreams and the ability to believe in themselves is stronger than my fear.

So I gathered all those poems and wrote a book. Not a folder full of pages book but a self-published hard cover book. I received my proof last week and not only was I excited and proud to see my name and writing in print but that familiar panic bubbled up from deep inside.

It took me five days to get the nerve to approve my proof for public distribution. Now in a few weeks anyone on Amazon can purchase my book … anyone! So for my case it seems the best way to get past my fear of rejection was to jump on in. I still have my fear but there is no use to be crippled b it when that is doing me and my future no good.

I will still have moments when thinking about it will paralyze me but I  know eventually it will pass since not everyone will like my writing but on the other side someone will like it.