I’ve made a commitment to myself and my eventual readers to post on my blog at least once a week and the last two weeks I have really struggled to find something to write about. I believe this may have a lot to do with doubt. I have been feeling a lot of doubt about spending so much time writing in a time that the economy is going from recession to depression.

I wonder if I’m good enough to sell books and then I start doubting my own talent. I wonder if I’m being selfish following my dreams when I could be working somewhere else and earning that little bit of extra money for my family. Doubt seems to be very good a ruining wonderful things.

I know deep down I love writing and I know that the few people I have shown my writing have had a lot of good things to say about it. I know that with how much I love writing and during the times that I am not doubting writing flows out of me so wonderful and easy. But when I doubt I have a hard time writing anything and then another good thing ruined by doubt.

I haven’t found a way to get rid of my doubt but I have made a few decisions to help counteract it. I will do my best to keep my writing stuff closer so I can get to it when the doubt is away. I will get twice as much writing done during the doubtless times and I will try to remember that even the greatest of us has moments of doubt.